Why Us

Why Collective Conscience?

Beginning with the 2016 election, we noticed a high level of anxiety among individuals who were targeted by or uncomfortable with the Trump administration’s policies. In 2025, the level of fearfulness has only grown, now including concerns around the very foundations of democracy. Given the dizzying pace of policy changes, the president’s harsh rhetoric and the far-reaching implications of executive action, it is hard to stay grounded and hopeful.

Coined in 1893 by Emil Durkheim, the term “collective conscience” or “collective consciousness” refers to the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. We hope to create a space for group members with a shared set of values and concerns (a “collective conscience”) to explore what it means to live and function in this political climate. Members of these groups need not affiliate with a specific party, nor agree on every policy, but this space is best suited for members who are disquieted by the current sociopolitical landscape.

Foundational Beliefs of
Collective Conscience Group Therapy

  • We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
  • We affirm and celebrate all of the things that make us who we are: diverse cultures, sexual/gender identities, ethnicities, religions, etc.
  • Every person deserves the opportunity to live the life they choose, so long as their choices do not infringe on the rights of others.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion are essential values in a civilized society.
  • Social work is political.
  • We uphold the social work aim of fighting for human rights and social, racial, economic and environmental justice.
  • Systems that perpetuate harm should be examined and changed or dismantled.
  • Mental health treatment must include consciousness raising about the impact of systems on the individual.
  • Every person is the expert on themselves. The role of clinician/group leader is to partner with the client or group to evoke the strengths/resources/skills needed for meaningful action.